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Medical & Dental Malpractice

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When illness or injury forces you to see a physician or go to the hospital, you can generally be assured that a medical professional's years of experience and training will result in excellent treatment. But in truth, medical care providers are only human, and errors are always possible. Medical Malpractice occurs when a negligent act or omission by a doctor or other medical professional results in damage or harm to a patient.

Negligence by a medical professional can include an error in diagnosis, treatment, or illness management. If such negligence results in injury to a patient, a legal case for medical malpractice can arise against:
  • The doctor, if his or her actions deviated from generally accepted standards of practice;
  • The hospital for improper care or inadequate training, such as problems with medications or sanitation;
  • Local, state or federal agencies that operate hospital facilities.
Medical malpractice laws are designed to protect patients' rights to pursue compensation if they are injured as a result of negligence. However, malpractice suits are often complex and costly to win. Therefore, if you believe you have a medical malpractice claim, it is important to consult with an attorney who will discuss your case with you, and help you determine your best options.

Medical malpractice is a broad category that encompasses any injury occurring to a patient because a doctor, nurse, psychologist or other medical professional failed to perform his or her duties according to acceptable medical practices or standards of care. Medical malpractice cases may be brought against hospitals, clinics or anyone with whom there is a medical provider-patient relationship.
Should I hire a lawyer?
Medical malpractice actions are extremely complicated to pursue. The insurance companies which handle the claims on behalf of the physicians and other medical professionals are very aggressive in defending claims against the physicians and hospitals they insure. Use the State Lawyers Directory to find an attorney that will provide you with the expertise and experience to fight your battle.
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